Official Mailing List -
Subj: swimming suits and dragon flies
Happy almost summer time everyone. Tegan and sara are on a fake
right now. Sara has her sleeping bag layed out in a pup tent in
livng room and they are catching up on some fishing, tag in the woods
some much needed marshmallow roasting. So sorry if we have not been
getting back to your emails or have been sending packages irregularly.
are taking some much needed r and r.
BUt keep your eyes open we are doing some shows this summer. We are
getting ready to finally hopefully settle into Vancouver and get
the new record. But we will be putting pictures and story's up on the
website and sending out important info.
Under Feet Like ours is NOT available.
Last but not least our new date for the David Letterman Show is
July 24th.
Also we are doing a fundraiser for an aids walk on the 13th of JUne and
the 14th of June in vancouver and Nanaimo.
Some of the other bands will include, Kinnie Starr, the be good tanyas,
and zubot and dawson.
The Vancouver show is at richards on richards.
We don't know what the club in nanaimo is but we have played there
if that helps anyone out. In January we played there.
Just check your local music mags. it should be listed.
okay, take care, watch out for each other this summer, and we'll see
sooner or later.
tegan and sara