Hey from Tegan and Sara Land,
So we're back, back like Britney Spears not gone like New Kids on The Block. The New Album is ready for your listening pleasure. It's dirt cheap, it should be everywhere and it is waiting to be ripped into, overplayed, loved and sang to.
IT'S OUT TODAY, GO AND GET IT. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The album is called 'If it was you'. John Collins and David Carswell of 'The New Pornographers','The Smugglers','The Evaporaters', fame recorded and produced it. All the songs are new and frankly between you and us, it's fantastic. We can't wait for you to listen and them email us all about it, so hurry up, stop reading this email and go get it.
Now one more thing before we go, we are touring North America and before you know the rest of the world, so we need your help this time around. We need you to call and request us at your local stations, radio, tv everyone. Some of you may not like the idea of Sara and Tegan taking over the world but we do, so just call and request. Request like crazy, the single is
Call much music and request it there to. We made a great video and the extras are wonderful and we look hot. haha. There are radio and video request numbers and emails at our fan sites listed at the bottom of this email.
Until we see you, play it really loud, tell everyone we're coming and we are not leaving until we see you up close.
love always,
your best friends,
tegan and sara.